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More Fencing Jokes…

  1. Fencing jokes?… What’s the point?
  2. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Woo… Woo, who?… What are you cheering for in fencing at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  3. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about fencing? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  4. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good fencing knock-knock jokes?
  5. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good fencing knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  6. Fence Company Sign: Our favorite fall sport is fencing. (Fall Jokes)
  7. What would you get if you crossed a fencing athlete and the Invisible Man?… Fencing like no one has ever seen.
  8. Why was Cinderella so bad at fencing?… Her coach was a pumpkin. (Top Halloween Jokes)
  9. What did the mummy fencing coach say at the end of practice?… “Let’s wrap this up!” (Top Halloween Jokes)
  10. Where do fencing athletes go to get a new uniform?… New Jersey (Geography Jokes & Top 50 Jokes for U.S. States)
  11. Why was the skeleton always left out in a fencing match?… Because he had no body to go with. (Top Halloween Jokes)
  12. Why can’t foil fencers work as morticians?… Because every time they find a dead spot they want to change the client’s jacket.
  13. How can you tell that your dance partner at a masked ball is a fencer… Because after three minutes he shakes your hand, turns on his heel, and walks away.
  14. Let’s go fencing because all other sports are pointless. 
  15. Fencers don’t mess around, they get straight to the point. 
  16. I got into a fight with a foil fencer, it’s still kind of a sore subject.
  17. My friend took me to a blindfolded fencing class, but I didn’t enjoy it… I couldn’t see the point.
  18. I’ve been bored lately so I decided to take up fencing. The neighbors said they’ll call the police unless I put it back.
  19. Anyone wanna take a stab at some good fencing puns?
  20. I just received a masters degree in ‘garden fencing’… I am now a post graduate.
  21. Which celebrity is good at fencing?… Katy Parry
  22. Can a fencing champion born in France, but raised in the U.S. represent either country in the olympics?… Yes. Because they have duel citizenship.
  23. Son: I’m going to start fencing next month! Dad: Wood, or chain-link?
  24. I’ve just installed high voltage electrical fencing ….. My neighbor is dead against it.
  25. One of my friends was really in to fencing until his weapon broke… Apparently now it’s dull and pointless
  26. Fence Company Sign: Our favorite winter sport is fencing. (Winter Jokes)
  27. Fence Company Sign: Our favorite spring sport is fencing. (Spring Jokes)
  28. Fence Company Sign: Our favorite summer sport is fencing. (Summer Jokes)