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Children explore this world through conversation that they learn by imitating other people’s language. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of this and pay little attention to their child’s speech development. Moreover, most of their time, children spend with gadgets or toys. As a result, when the child is about to go to school, he faces many difficulties, including proper sentence construction. Is there any effective way to solve the issue?

The child’s communication skills must be fully developed. Otherwise, he will express his thoughts incorrectly and may even become the target of classmates’ mocking, which will lead to the development of complexes and difficulties with writing essays.

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Let’s figure out how to teach a child how to correctly construct sentences!

How Do You Teach Basic Sentence Writing Skills?

At some point in their lives, everyone should be able to write. It enables him to communicate with people who are thousands of miles away, obtain various types of information through search queries, conduct research, and write essays.

Writing fundamentals are typically taught in childhood. As a person grows older, he improves this skill and, in some cases, seeks assistance from writing services reviews websites such as Best Writers Online.

It all begins, though, in childhood. As a result, parents must pay close attention to their child’s development of this talent.

First and foremost, one should explain to a kid how communication “works,” i.e., how sentences are used to convey one’s thoughts. The following are the most important facts about a sentence:

  • It is a group of words that have a certain idea;
  • It always starts with a capital letter;
  • Spaces divide the words in a sentence;
  • It ends with a punctuation mark;
  • It includes a subject and a predicate;
  • It may be short and long.

Learning how to write a sentence necessitates both theory and practice. First, one provides information, then explains how it all works using an example, and, then, allows a child to construct his sentence based on the provided example.

It is preferable to begin with short sentences with young learners. You will need to prepare worksheets using worksheet construction tools or use ready worksheets to accomplish this.

Teaching Simple Sentence Construction

It is important to note that sentences are classified into three types:

  • Declarative;
  • Negative;
  • Interrogative.

Let’s take a closer look at each one!

Declarative Sentence

Materials: worksheets/pictures, two colourful pens, sheets of paper


  1. Tell a child that a declarative sentence describes things that we see around us. Draw his attention to the picture where people and animals perform certain actions.
  2. Ask him to name people and pets in it. Following that, repeat actions (like “jump,” “ride a bicycle,” “play,” “draw,” etc. It all depends on what is going on in your picture).
  3.  Include some theory. It is now your turn to demonstrate how to write a declarative sentence. Take a sheet of paper and two different coloured pens. Make two empty bars (you can use different shapes for them too).
  1. Explain that in a declarative sentence, the subject always comes first. It responds to the question “Who?/What?” Then, one should put a predicate that denotes an action. In the third person, singular (he, she, it), it requires adding -s/-es to the predicate. Practice. Instruct the child to describe what he sees in the picture. Then, using two different pens, write the sentences on a worksheet or a piece of paper. Repeat these actions two to three times, and then let the child do the rest on his own.

Negative Sentence

Materials: worksheets/pictures, four colourful pens, sheets of paper


After you have mastered the declarative sentence structure, it’s time to move on to the next level. Keep in mind that if you want to avoid confusion, each sentence type should be taught separately (for example, the next day).

  1. Before learning new material, you should revise the previously studied one. Take a worksheet or a picture and ask the child to identify the people and animals in it. Apply the same logic to the actions.
  2. Learn the negative sentence structure. Take a sheet of paper and four different coloured pens. Draw the empty bars again (you can use different shapes for them too):
  1. Explain that in a negative sentence, one uses an auxiliary verb DO or DOES (third person, singular) + NOT to indicate that someone in the picture is not doing something. Give an example and make a note of it on a piece of paper.
  2. Instruct the child to inform you that someone is not doing something. Assist him if necessary. Write down his sentences. Then, let the child finish the rest on his own.

Interrogative Sentence

Materials: worksheets/pictures, three colourful pens, sheets of paper


Before learning new material, review previous material to recall actions and people in the picture, as you did in the previous lesson.

  1. Explain to a child that an interrogative sentence is used to ask questions about things, people, actions, etc. It is also worth noting that this type of sentence also necessitates an answer and a punctuation mark at the end.
  2. Learn the sentence structure. Take a sheet of paper and four different coloured pens. Draw the empty bars again (you can use different shapes for them too):
  1. Note that when one asks about a noun in the third person singular, he employs the auxiliary verb “Does.” No -s/-es is required. Practice with building sentences. Write them down and leave some space for answers.
  2. Learn about possible answers:

Practice responding.

Many parents rely on kindergarten to handle the problem of their child’s writing skills development. Unfortunately, many kindergartens do not pay proper attention to this question too. As a result, you must consider this question on time to avoid future difficulties.