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Easter Jokes for Kids

  1. What do you call an Easter Bunny who gets kicked out of school?… Egg-spelled. (180 School Jokes & Principal Jokes)
  2. Where does the Easter Bunny study medicine? … John HOPkins. (Doctor Jokes)
  3. Christmas does come before Easter in one place—but where?… The dictionary! (Christmas Jokes)
  4. What’s the best way to make Easter easier?… Put an “i” where the “t” is. (Grammar Jokes)
  5. What does the Easter Bunny say to the teacher on New Year’s Day?…. Hoppy New Year! (New Year’s Eve Jokes)
  6. What did the Easter Bunny say to the teacher about the Easter parade?… It was eggs-cellent! (Egg Jokes)
  7. What do you get if you give an Easter Bunny a pair of socks?… A sock hop!
  8. What did one Easter egg say to the teacher?… Heard any good yolks today?
  9. Why is the Liberty Bell like a dropped Easter egg?… They’re both cracked. (4th of July Jokes for Kids)
  10. How does Easter end?…With an “R”! (Grammar Jokes)
  11. What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite sport? … Basket-ball, of course! (Basketball Jokes)
  12. What do you call the Easter Bunny with a dictionary in his pants? … A smarty pants. (Book Jokes)
  13. What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite state capital? … Albunny, New York! (New York Jokes)
  14. How do you get letter to the Easter bunny? … Hare mail. (Pilot Jokes / Plane Jokes / Mailman Jokes / Rabbit Jokes)
  15. What do Easter Bunny helpers get for making a basket?… Two points, just like anyone else. (Basketball Jokes)
  16. What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant?… IHOP.
  17. Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a good joke? … It might crack up! (Psychology JokesEgg Jokes)
  18. What is Easter Bunny’s favorite kind of music?… Hip-hop! (Music Jokes)
  19. What kind of jewelry is the best Easter gift?… A 14-carrot gold necklace.
  20. What do you call the Easter Bunny the Monday after Easter? … Tired
  21. What does the Easter Bunny order at a Chinese Restaurant?… Hop Suey! (Spring Jokes)
  22. What the Easter Bunny’s favorite dance move?… The bunny hop.
  23. What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams? … They lived hoppily ever after!
  24. What kind of bean can’t grow in a garden?… A jelly bean
  25. Where does the Easter Bunny go when he needs a new tail? … To a re-tail store! (Black Friday Jokes)
  26. What happens if you get married on Easter?… You live hoppily ever after.
  27. How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself? … With a hare dryer!
  28. What school day does an Easter egg hate the most? … Fry-days. (Egg Jokes)
  29. Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee? … It’s a tender tail!
  30. What did the Easter Bunny say to the carrot?… Nice gnawing you. (Farming Jokes)
  31. What kind of rabbit tells jokes?… A funny bunny.
  32. What do you call a mischievous Easter Egg?… A practical yolk-er.
  33. What do you call an Easter egg from outer space?… An egg-straterrestrial!
  34. What do you call an Easter Bunny with a bad memory?… A hare-brain!
  35. Where does the Easter Bunny get his eggs?… From an eggplant.
  36. What did the Easter egg ask for at the hair salon?… A new dye-job.
  37. Why was the little girl sad after the Easter egg hunt?… Because an egg beater!
  38. Why couldn’t the Easter Bunny watch his favorite show?… Because his TV was scrambled!
  39. Did you hear about the bunny who sat on a bumblebee?… It’s a tender tail
  40. What do you call a very tired Easter egg?… Eggs-austed.
  41. What’s an Easter egg’s least favorite day?… Fry-day.
  42. Did you hear the one about the house infested with Easter eggs?… It needed an eggs-terminator!
  43. Why was the Easter Bunny so upset? … He was having a bad hare day! (Barber Jokes)
  44. Where does the Easter Bunny get his eggs? … From Eggplants. (Egg Jokes)
  45. Who is the Easter Bunny’s favorite movie actor? … Rabbit De Niro!
  46. Do you know how to find the Easter Bunny if he was lost? … Make a noise like a carrot; he’ll find you.
  47. How is the Easter Bunny like LeBron James? … They’re both famous for stuffing baskets! (Basketball Jokes)
  48. Why was the father Easter egg so strict? … He was hard-boiled. (Egg Jokes)
  49. What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with an overstressed person? … An Easter basket case!
  50. Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered? … Because he is eggocentric. (egocentric) (Egg Jokes & Psychology Jokes)
  51. Where does Easter take place every year?… Where eggs marks the spot! (Egg Jokes)
  52. Why was the Easter Bunny arrested? … He was charged with Hare-assment! (Police Jokes)
  53. How can you make Easter preparations go faster?… Use the eggs-press lane! (Egg Jokes)
  54. Why couldn’t the Easter egg family watch T.V.? … Because their cable was scrambled. (Egg Jokes)
  55. What kind of book does a rabbit like at bedtime? … One with a “hoppy” ending. (Book Jokes)
  56. What do you need if your chocolate eggs mysteriously disappear? … You need an eggsplanation! (Egg Jokes)
  57. Good Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Easter. Bad Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Xmas. (Christmas Jokes & Christmas Trivia)
  58. What should you do to prepare for all the Easter treats?… Eggs-ercise! (Egg Jokes)
  59. What does the Easter Bunny get for a shot in the basket from “down town?” … 3 points, just like Larry Bird! (Basketball Jokes)
  60. Why did the egg go to the baseball game? … For the egg-stra innings! (Baseball Jokes for Kids & Egg Jokes)
  61. What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite Story? … A Cotton Tale. (Book Jokes)
  62. What do you call a line of rabbits walking backwards? … A receding “hareline.” (Rabbit Jokes)
  63. What did the mommy egg say to the baby egg? … You’re “Egg-stra special.”(Egg Jokes)
  64. Why won’t Easter eggs go out at night? … They don’t want to get “beat up.” (Egg Jokes)
  65. Where does Valentine’s Day comes after Easter? … In the dictionary. (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  66. What do you call a sleepy Easter egg? … Egg-zosted! (Egg Jokes & Napping Jokes)
  67. Why was the Easter Bunny so sad?… He was having a bad hare day.
  68. What kind of jewelry do rabbits wear? … 14 carrot gold. (Rabbit Jokes)
  69. What do you call a rabbit with fleas? … Bugs Bunny. (Rabbit Jokes)
  70. What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? … Join the Hare Force. (Veterans Day Jokes)
  71. What do you call an egg from outer space? … An “Egg-stra terrestial.” (Astronomy Jokes)
  72. What kind of bunny can’t hop?… A chocolate bunny.
  73. What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with a famous French general? … Napoleon Bunnyparte! (Rabbit Jokes)
  74. What did the Easter Bunny tweet on New Year’s Day? … Hoppy New Year. (New Year’s Eve Jokes)
  75. Why did the Easter egg hide? … He was a little chicken! (Chicken Jokes)What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit banknote? ….One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny! (Psychology Jokes)How do you make a rabbit stew? … Make it wait for three hours! (Rabbit Jokes)Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world?… It has four rabbits’ feet! (Rabbit Jokes)What do you call a bunny with a large brain? … Egghead! (Psychology Jokes)What did the gray rabbit say to the blue rabbit?… Cheer up! (Rabbit Jokes)How are rabbits like calculators? … They both multiply really fast. (Math Jokes for Kids & Rabbit Jokes)How do bunnies stay healthy? … Eggercise! (Egg Jokes)Did you hear about the lady whose house was infested with Easter eggs? … She had to call an eggs-terminator! (Egg Jokes)Why was the little girl sad after the race? … Because an egg beater! (Track & Field Jokes) (Egg Jokes)What do you get when you cross a rabbits foot with poison ivy? … a rash of good luck.What has big ears, brings Easter treats, and goes hippity-BOOM hippity-BOOM?… The Easter Elephant. (Elephant jokes)What do you call a bunny with a dictionary in his pants? … A smarty pants. (Book Jokes)How can you find the Easter bunny?… Eggs (x) marks the spot.How do you get letter to a bunny? … Hare mail. (Pilot Jokes & Rabbit Jokes)Do you know how bunnies stay in shape? … Hareobics.What do you call Easter when you are hopping around? … Hoppy Easter!What happened to the egg when he was tickled too much? … He cracked up. (Egg Jokes)How does the Easter Bunny say Happy Easter? … Hoppy Easter!Why are people always tired in April? … Because they just finished a march. (April Jokes)Why did the magician have to cancel his show? … He’d just washed his hare and couldn’t do a thing with it.What kind of jokes do eggs tell? … Egg yolks! (Egg Jokes)What is the end of Easter? … The letter R.How does the Easter bunny paint all the Easter eggs?… She hires Santa’s elves during off-season. (Christmas Jokes & Christmas Trivia) (Egg Jokes)What type of movie is about water fowl? … A duckumentary.What do ducks have for lunch? … Soup and quackers! (Duck Jokes)What do you call a duck that just doesn’t fit in? … Mallardjusted.Why is the letter A like a flower? … A bee comes after it.What sport are the eggs good at? … Running!What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams?… They lived hoppily ever after.I was going to tell you a joke about an egg …… but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.Did you hear about the woman who complained about her rabbit stew?… She said there was a hare in her soupHow does the Easter Bunny keep his fur looking good?… With a hare brush!It’s true that bunnies have have good eyesight …… You never see a bunny wearing glasses, after all!Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk?… To hatchet. (Thanksgiving Jokes)