My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. Our goal in 2014 is to expand our network of local teachers who tutor to 1,000 teachers! In 2013 we had over 150,000 visitors to our site from all 50 states.
One of our most popular posts is our Connected Educators list. Our followers love connected educators who are willing to share there knowledge and experience, however our list only includes twitter profiles. Many of our followers want to learn more about some of these incredible individuals!
For 2014, we will highlight 2 educators per week. One from Massachusetts and the other outside of Massachusetts. Check back to see our most recent additions.
Educator of the Week: Patrick Larkin
What is your current job of position?
Assistant Superintendent for Burlington Public Schools and a Senior Associate with EdTechTeacher.
BA from Assumption College
MA in Educational Leadership from Framingham State University
My educational vision is a relevant education for all students which will help prepare them to be independent learners who can learn and unlearn at the pace required in the 21st Century and beyond. Unfortunately, the focus on standardized assessments in most schools does not further this cause.
I spend some time each day reading a number of blogs and interacting with others on Twitter. I am partial to certain hashtags like #cpchat to follow other school administrators. In addition, I spend some time on our school district’s hashtag (#bpschat) sharing information and following all of the exciting things happening with our staff and students. Finally, I spend time on hashtags that focus on educators using instructional technology (i.e. #ettipad, #1to1techat, #edtech).
The greatest benefit of my online professional network is the connection to so many innovative people across the world. They really push my thinking in regards to education and they are also a tremendous resource for a number of different initiatives.
Who is your audience?
I have been blogging for six years. I originally started the Burlington High School Principal’s blog , which I handed over to the current BHS Principal, Mark Sullivan, when I moved to Assistant Superintendent. The Burlington High Principal’s Blog was created to share information with parents, students, and community members on all of the happenings at BHS.
When I left the position of Principal, I created a new blog called Learning in Burlington. On the new blog, I spend a lot more time discussing various education-related topics that I think might interest people. I also do a number of posts supporting the use of digital devices for school leaders, teacher, students, and parents. I also maintain the Burlington Public Schools’ Blog which I started to share one example of learning from a staff member or students each day. In addition, I contribute to a number of other blogs.
your advice to teachers on social media and education?
Social media is learning media. I connect with educators who can help me continue my journey as a continuous learner. I think it is important for teachers to understand the power of connected learning and they need to spend some time using social media tools so that they can better support their students.
Embrace the amazing resources available to educators and model being a continuous learner. It is a critical skill that all of our students need and we need to be the role models.
I really can’t choose one because there have been so many. I am fortunate to work with a number of wonderful educators in Burlington Public Schools who have a passion for education that is contagious. That coupled with my amazing personal learning network online continues to provide me with endless professional development opportunities daily.
That’s a tough one as well. I guess a good starting point might be Will Richardson’s TED book Why School. The book focuses on why we need to re-think our traditional ideas regarding what our students need to be prepared for what they will face ahead.
Previous Connected Educators of the Week
January 2014
January 3, 2014: Angela Maiers (@AngelaMaiers)
January 10, 2014: Shannon Miller (@shannonmmiller)
January 17, 2014: Vicki Davis (@coolcatteacher)
January 24, 2014: Michael Smith (@principalspage)
January 31, 2014: PJ Caposey (@PrincipalPC)
January 3, 2014: Bill Burkhead (@NormandinBill)
January 10, 2014: Nancy Carroll (@ncarroll24)
January 17, 2014: Lillie Marshall (@WorldLillie)
January 24, 2014: Peter Reynolds (@peterhreynolds)
January 31, 2014: Patrick Larkin (@patrickmlarkin)
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