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Top 3 Joke Pages

  1. 180 School Jokes
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Check out our resources for U.S. History teachers & Top School Jokes!

  1. Why didn’t the Confederate soldier want to go to the baseball game?… He heard the Yankees were playing.
  2. The tourist: ”Can you tell me why so many famous Civil War battles were fought on National Park Sites?” Be a “Teacher Ranger” at Gettysburg National Military Park
  3. What did one Union flag say to the other flag?… Nothing. It waved! (Top Flag Day Jokes)
  4. What did one Confederate flag say to the other flag?… Nothing. It waved! (Top Flag Day Jokes)
  5. What kind of dive are infantry men best at?… Cannon-ball (101
  6. Sports Jokes)
  7. What did the Confederate flag say to the Union flag?… Nothing. It waved! (Top Flag Day Jokes)
  8. Who rode a dog and was a confederate general during the American Civil War?… Robert E Flea!
  9. Where did the General Lee put his armies?… In his sleeveis. (get it his sleeves)?
  10. Where did the General Grant put his armies?… In his sleeveis. (get it his sleeves)?
  11. Never take a victory for Grant-ed.
  12. Teacher: Abraham Lincoln had to walk 8 miles to so school. Student: He should have gotten up earlier and taken the bus like everyone else. (Top School Jokes)