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Google Search “Biathlon Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best biathlon jokes.
  2. Knock… Who’s there?… Woo… Woo, who?… Who are you cheering for in the Winter Olympics in Beijing? (Winter Olympics Knock Knock Jokes)
  3. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Winter Olympics jokes.
  4. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about the Winter Olympics?
  5. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good Winter Olympics knock-knock joke?
  6. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good Winter Olympics knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  7. A book never written: “The Olympic Trials” by Willy Qualify. (Book Jokes)
  8. What did the groundhog’s trainer tell him before the Winter Olympics?… Gopher gold. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  9. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about the Winter Olympics in Beijing? (Winter Olympics Knock Knock Jokes)
  10. A book never written: “How to Win at the Winter Olympics” by Vick Tori. (Book Jokes)
  11. Why do Canadians do well in the Winter Olympics?… Because they always bring their eh Game. (Canada Jokes)
  12. The Easter Bunny joined the Olympics… He heard first place gets 24 carrots. (Easter Jokes)
  13. Why was the Winter Olympian not able to listen to music?… Because he broke the record! (Music Jokes & 365 Music Jokes)
  14. The anti-vax Olympic hockey team lose every game…. Apparently they never take any shots. (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  15. What did the hot dog say when it won a gold medal?… I’m a wiener! (Hot Dog Jokes)
  16. Why do Canadians do well in the curling at Winter Olympics?… Because they always bring their eh game. (Canada Jokes)
  17. Which country brought the most competitors to the 2022 Winter Olympics?… Brazil. They brought 8 Brazilian athletes.
  18. I don’t understand how one can come in second place in biathlon… …when you got a rifle with you. (Bill of Rights Jokes)
  19. What kind of person finishes 2nd in a biathlon?… I mean, you still have a gun right? (Bill of Rights Jokes)
  20. What do you call a slow skier in the biathalon?… A slopepoke!
  21. What did one skier say to the other?… Alpine for you when you’re gone.
  22. Knock… Who’s there?… Woo… Woo, who?… Who are you cheering for in biathlon in the Winter Olympics?

  1. Knock… Who’s there?… Woo… Woo, who?… Who are you cheering for in the Winter Olympics in Beijing? (Winter Olympics Knock Knock Jokes)
  2. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about the Winter Olympics in Beijing? (Winter Olympics Knock Knock Jokes)
  3. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about biathlons?
  4. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good biathlon knock-knock joke?
  5. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good biathlon knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)