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The font used on your resume isn’t a detail you’ve probably given much thought. After all, there’s dozens of other things to worry about when putting together a job application.

But this seemingly minor part of your resume can be the difference between having an application that wins you an interview and one that gets passed over. 

A great resume font helps catch the attention of employers, makes your resume easier to read, and conveys professionalism. On the other hand, a poorly chosen font can make your application seem bland at best, and unhirable at worst.

Ultimately, picking an appropriate font for your resume depends on two main factors:

  • Your industry or profession
  • The level of formality a company expects

If you’re in a more buttoned-up industry, such as law or accounting, you should use a serif font on your resume. Serifs are considered more old fashioned, but they’re also more formal than sans serif options.

Meanwhile, sans serif fonts are more modern and sleek, but are generally considered slightly more casual.

Unless you pay close attention to the design of your resume (or designed it yourself), chances are you aren’t thinking much about these minor but important details.

To make your choice simple (and avoid accidentally hurting your job prospects), Resume Genius has assembled a comprehensive guide that lists the best fonts for a resume —  explaining what makes each font ideal for different types of job applicants. Whether you’re a fresh job seeker or a seasoned professional, this article will help you design a stronger, more attractive resume.