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Is An Online Reputation Check Part of Your Pre Admission Checklist?
Author Bio: Rob Zidar is a Co-founder of ThirdParent. Created by parents for parents in 2013, ThirdParent specializes in Internet safety for teens and kids. ThirdParent provides discreet, professional online monitoring and reporting services that equip parents with the tools and resources needed to proactively safeguard the privacy and reputation of their kids online.
If you’re the parent of a high schooler, you’re already very deep into a twenty something year investment in your child. Since you’re looking for a tutor, we assume that getting your child through high school and into a good college is kind of a big deal.
Is an online reputation check part of you pre college application process? There are countless articles on the internet that tell you the steps you need to take to prepare for the college admissions process, including what you need to do and when you need to do it. We don’t see many that mention scouring your teen’s internet footprint as part of the process.
Is an online reputation check part of you pre college application process? There are countless articles on the internet that tell you the steps you need to take to prepare for the college admissions process, including what you need to do and when you need to do it. We don’t see many that mention scouring your teen’s internet footprint as part of the process.
Recent research conducted by Kaplan Test Prep reveal that 29% of college admissions officers are doing a Google search for at least some candidates, and 35% are checking Facebook or other social media sites as part of the candidate vetting process. Both numbers have risen steadily over the last few years. From what we’ve heard, scholarship candidates and applicants to elite schools are more likely to come under scrutiny.
If you haven’t considered your internet footprint being scrutinized after you spent countless hours presenting the best possible you for your college application, it’s time that you did. If you’re active online and any of the following apply to you:

  • Your family has paid thousands of dollars for test prep or tutors
  • You have high expectations and a real shot at getting into your dream school
  • A merit-based scholarship, academic or otherwise, is a real possibility

You need to make sure that there are no negative surprises lurking in your child’s internet history. We don’t mean that she has been doing anything evil. Perhaps she has an account on a network that she has forgotten about, there is something you posted as a joke that could look like bullying to someone else or someone else posted something unflattering about her. Too many party pictures, off color humor or general adult content could all lead an admission officer to question her character.
These days, more and more people are heading to Google to form a fist impression of you. You and your teen can make a difference. At ThirdParent, we do a confidential audit of your public facing internet and social media profiles and activity. If there is something negative about you on the internet that an admissions officer could find, let us find it for you first. Our results are viewed as a confidential report – a Social Score, and you can view a live example here.
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