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Writing Advice for College Students

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Everyone forgets things once in a while. Whether it is the grocery list for the store, or the location of the car keys, the brain can let us down on occasions. ‘’You are certainly not alone, and dementia is probably not right behind the corner. This is all very normal, and there are always ways to sharpen the memory.’’ – says Raymond Keen, a content writer at the writing service.

Of course, when nature strikes and memory loss comes rushing, there aren’t any guarantees that will prevent the dementia. But, for all the rest who struggle with those gaps in memory once in a while, we have good news. Memory can be much improved, and all you need is to train your brain.

Here are the 7 things you should do to improve your memory:

Hint #1: Laugh

Laugher is the best medicine.

We’ve all heard this, and yet, most of us do not practice it that often. In such a busy world, it is not always possible to laugh, but try to have a laugh once in a while. Other emotional responses are limited to a specific brain area, but laughter somehow manages to engage a great number of regions, and across all parts of the brain.

Get out with friends and share funny stories. Move toward laughter every time you hear it in others. Listen to jokes and spend time with positive people who laugh a lot. These are the basics of finding laughter in life.

Hint #2: Do Some Brain Workout

The brain can be given a workout. While growing up, the brain develops neural pathways that help the new-formed adult to solve problems, recall information and execute tasks that require minimal mental effort. But, if you do these tasks and nothing else, you cannot really expect the brain to develop any further, can you?

The trick is to stay mentally active. Play some brain-picking games like crossword puzzles, learn something new, and find a new challenge for yourself. In other words, give your brain some workout.

Hint #3: Never Forget the Friends

Always, always make time for social interaction. This is the best way to ward off stress and even depression, which are the two main causes for memory loss.

Enjoy and grasp every opportunity to get together with friends and loved ones. You are a human, and humans are social animals.

Hint #4: Get Some Sleep

Sleep is more important than any of us believe. A good night’s sleep will help keep all memories boxed up nicely inside the brain, and you’ll be able to recall them when you need them. Make sleeping your priority.

Hint #5: Eat a Diet that Fuels the Brain

A healthy diet is a diet that is good for the entire body, including the brain. Everything inside your body needs some boost, so change your diet to make this happen. Consume fruits, whole grains, lean protein, vegetables and only healthy fats like nuts, fish and olive oil.

Omega-3s fatty acids are known to be beneficial for the health of the brain, so try to consume more of it. You can find it in fish such as salmon, halibut, trout, tuna, sardines, and mackerel, as well as walnuts, flaxseed oil, seaweed, broccoli, spinach and soybeans.

When it comes to a healthy diet, it is more of what you don’t eat. Reduce the intake of calories and saturated fat, as well as your consummation of alcohol and coffee.

Hint #6: Stop Skipping on Physical Activity

Physical activity will increase the blood flow to the brain and keep the memory sharp. Stop skipping on exercise and include physical activities in your daily routine.

Hint #7: Treat Your Health Problems

The reason for memory loss does not always lie in lack of blood flow to the brain or improper nutrition. Sometimes, the biggest culprits for this are other conditions, especially the chronic ones.

Identify the causes for continuous memory loss and treat them. There are many diseases, chronic disorders and even medications that can harm your memory.

If you implement all these hints into your memory-boosting routine and still experience problems, talk to a doctor.

Author Bio:

Olivia Ryan is an independent journalist and passionate explorer. She likes to write about everything that can positively affect people’s life. When not searching for a new topic to write on, Olivia prefers to take a camera and enjoy the beauty of nature.