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Violence in school is a global problem. A report by UNICEF shows that half of the world’s students aged between 13 and 15 have experienced some form of violence within the school property.

In US schools, one in every five students has admitted to being bullied in school.

If you’re concerned about safety in school, you have a genuine reason to be. You see, violence can range from psychological attacks to physical attacks. In the worst cases, school violence can result in death.

Victims of School Violence

Violence in school takes on many forms, and usually, students commit acts of aggression against their peers. It’s also not uncommon for students to get violent with staff members.

You may be wondering what you can do to put a stop to school violence. Read on. We’ve compiled five tips that can help school administrators prevent violence in schools.

  1. Promote Useful Skills

Productive skills are essential in shaping youth personality. When students struggle with things like communication and social interactions, it increases the likelihood of resorting to inappropriate methods of expression.

The good thing is that young minds are great at taking in information. Use that to promote life skills in your school through fun and interactive activities.

Skills like communication, empathy, conflict resolution, problem-solving, and impulse control come easy to some people but can be challenging for others.

You can create an environment that supports individual growth but also encourages group participation in promoting healthy behavior.

The CDC’s Comprehensive Technical Package guide mentions school-based programs that teach life skills as a way of preventing violence.

  1. Enforce Rules Against Violence

One effective way of combating school violence is by introducing clear rules against it. The thing is, most schools have these rules, and yet students continue to experience violence.

The problem is that schools are not strictly enforcing their rules, enabling students to carry out acts of aggression and get away with it.

By enforcing strict regulations that ensure perpetrators face the consequences, the chances that a student will engage in violent behavior decreases.

Remember, children are more likely to break the rules if they believe they can get away with it.

  1. Implement Security Measures

While everything else can fail, strong security measures are always effective in discouraging and even forcefully preventing violence.

What you need is a system that blends into the school’s running to provide safety for everyone.

Start by installing video surveillance in classrooms, locker rooms, dining hall, hallways, among other common areas. Violence can also take place in hidden areas, so make sure to watch these places as well.

Strengthen your security measures with trained guards tasked with monitoring and enforcing security policies.

Good security companies are available in every state offering advanced services.

If you’re in the state of California, for instance, Special Security Services can help with setting up strong safety measures to prevent violence in your school.

  1. Watch Out for the Warning Signs

The administration can also set up a system of identifying and monitoring students who show signs of violent behavior. Noticing these signs early gives you enough time to address them and prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

It’s common for children experiencing problems outside of school to act out and express their distress aggressively. With the right approach, you can find out what’s causing their aggression.

You should try channeling more effort into the student counseling department and encourage “at-risk” students to take advantage of the available assistance.

  1. Champion Awareness

Many people don’t know how bad things can get in school for the children, and this includes teachers and parents. You’d think they’re the closest people to the children in school and at home; therefore, they should be aware of what’s going on.

However, the reality is that a lot goes unnoticed in the school hallways. And besides, without the cooperation of students, implementing safety measures can be challenging.

The solution is to promote violence awareness and encourage students to champion that cause both within the school grounds and outside.


Every student and even members of staff have a right to safety within the school environment. And while it’s challenging to bring order in a big population, it’s not impossible.

Lots of schools have managed to make their environment violent-free. It takes a combination of many things, including working with parents and the community, to foster positive values in young people.