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Below are 5 great websites for the Bill of Rights Day on December 15th. There are many great lessons, primary sources, and videos.

Ratified December 15th, 1791 

  1. National Archives: Bill of Rights

Special Events: The Bill of Rights at the Schoolhouse Gate – December 15, 2020, 6:30 p.m. EST


Amending America Exhibit Take a virtual tour of our Amending America exhibit, which highlights the remarkably American story of how we have amended, or attempted to amend, the Constitution in order to form a nation that more closely mirrors our ideals 

Amending America: How Do We Amend? This animated short, made for the Amending America exhibit, describes how an amendment can be proposed and ratified. It also illustrates how our Founders included Article V to make it possible to amend our Constitution 

Why the Bill of Rights? A panel discusses the story behind the Bill of Rights, the ratification of the Constitution, and the First Federal Congress. Panelists include Joseph Ellis, Jack Takeover, and Kenneth Bowling. 

The Charters of Freedom On Bill of Rights Day in 1952 the Charters of Freedom—the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights went on display together for the first time. 

The Bill of Rights and the First Federal Congress​ In this video, Charlene Bickford, Director of the First Federal Congress Project, discusses the NHPRC-funded project and the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights by the First Federal Congress.

Teaching and Learning Resources

The Bill of Rights and You

Explores how the Bill of Rights was created and what it means for us today.

Download the high-resolution posters at

2. ICivics: You’ve Got Rights

3. US Courts Bill of Rights Day


  • Court Shorts: Separation of Powers
  • Students Sound Off About the Bill of Rights

4. Constitution Center: Bill of Rights Day

5. Bill or Rights Institute