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The need for tutoring has almost doubled over the last couple of years, and is still fast growing. The education of a child requires great deal of responsibility, and an effective tutor can deliver on all this. Still, as the demand of tutors grow, so does the number of people providing these services. This means that, in order to really be effective in tutoring, one must possess the key features successful tutors share.

1. A Strong Personal Relationship with the Student

Despite what many believe, tutoring is not the same as teaching. Therefore, a tutor is nothing like the traditional teacher. Unlike teachers in schools who work with dozens of children all at the same time, a tutor’s job is to focus on the abilities, skills and learning of one student. This requires a strong personal relationship.

‘A strong relationship between a tutor and a student goes a long way. This is the best and probably only way to understand the weaknesses of the student, and use their strengths to overcome them’ – says Stephan Hugh, content writer at Rushmyessay writing service.

A strong relationship does not only provide the tutor with an opportunity to get to know the student. The process goes both ways – when the teacher builds such a relationship, the student will feel free to ask questions and discuss the troubles he experiences in learning. The more comfortable both parties are, the faster the student can maximize his potential.

2. Continuous Communication with the Parents

This is yet another difference between teachers and parents. A teacher can discuss the education and progress of a student on teacher-parent conferences, or call parents in when they notice difficulties in learning in a student. However, seeing that they work with dozens of students on daily basis, there is very little room for continuous communication with the parents.

A tutor, on the other hand, can communicate with the parents and ensure that all their expectations are met. In addition, he has more access to the progress of the child, and can pass on this knowledge on to the parent. A good tutor will communicate with the parents and discuss the best tutoring strategies for the student.

3. Professional Manner when Working with the Student

Many tutors mistake building a strong relationship with a student with becoming their friend. A tutor is not a student’s best friend, but his guide and instructor. When at work, a good tutor must act in a professional manner and establish respect.

Since a strong relationship requires friendly and confident manner during lessons, a student can easily confide in their tutor. A great tutor will only share the information relevant to the learning progress of the student, and treat the rest in the strictest of confidence.

4. Flexibility and Patience

Two essential traits of a successful tutor are patience and flexibility. Flexibility means that a tutor is willing to adjust the teaching approach and the techniques to fit the requirements and abilities of the individual student.

We all know that students learn differently, and not every approach fits every student. This is the benefit of having a tutor for a child, since he can see which approaches lead to best results with the individual student.

Certain subjects will be harder for a student to grasp, and others will be very simple. A good tutor will be patient in such cases, and will never show any annoyance when the student experiences difficulties moving on with the material.

5. Meeting the Needs of the Student

The parents are usually the people who demand and pay for the service, but when it comes to tutoring, the recipient of the service is the child. In addition to respecting the requests and working towards meeting the parents’ expectations, a tutor must also meet the student’s needs.

When it comes to tutoring, it all comes down to what the student needs. Parents can change their expectations and tutors can change the teaching approaches, all with the goals to meet the needs of the student.

An excellent tutor can ensure a child’s progress and a very bright academic future. If they know what they are doing, tutors can maximize the potential of a student and help them overcome all barriers.

Author Bio: Brandon Stanley is a professional independent journalist. He is interested in writing articles concerning language learning and education. Apart from that, Brandon loves traveling and playing the piano.