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  1. Why you gotta be jalapeño in my business?… I’m nacho sure I want to taco bout it. (Labor Day Jokes)
  2. The taco chef hasn’t turned up to work for a week…. He has a bad queso Covid. (Labor Day Jokes)
  3. We are the #1 listing for a google search of “National Taco Day Jokes!”… I wanna taco bout it.
  4. We are not the #1 listing for a google search of “taco jokes!”… I do not wanna taco bout it. BUT….
  5. Customer: Waiter Waiter! Will my taco be long? Waiter: No, it will be round! (Geometry Jokes)
  6. Jokes about tacos always get a bad wrap… It’s probably because they’re so corny. (Corn Jokes & Dad Jokes)
  7. What basketball player would be a great spokesperson for National Taco Day?… Taco Fall. (Basketball Jokes)
  8. Taco chefs earn a meager celery, cumin home beat, they just want to read the pepper, and spend a little thyme with the kids. (Labor Day Jokes)    
  9. Unofficial Song of National Taco Day: Let’s give ‘em something to taco bout. (Music Jokes & 365 Music Jokes)
  10. I made some fish tacos last night… They just swam away and ignored them. (Fish Jokes & Swimming Jokes)
  11. How do tacos say grace?… Lettuce pray. (Lettuce Jokes)
  12. Why can’t you trust a taco?… In case it spills the beans.
  13. What did the taco say to the turtle?… I like your shell.
  14. Customer: “Waiter, this taco tastes funny!” Waiter: “Then why aren’t you laughing?”
  15. Why did the taco blush?… Because it saw the salad dressing! (Salad Jokes)
  16. What did turtle say to the taco?… My shell or yours?
  17. If you don’t like tacos… I’m nacho type. (Valentine’s Day)
  18. I got gas today for $1.39… Unfortunately, it was at Taco Bell. (Car Jokes)
  19. The difference between tacos and your opinion is… that I asked for tacos.
  20. How do you make a taco stand?… You take away it’s chair. (Labor Day Jokes)
  21. When do they smother a taco in cheese?… In best queso scenario. (Cheese Jokes)
  22. Why you gotta be jalapeño in my business?… I’m nacho sure I want to taco bout it. (Labor Day Jokes)