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  1. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!… We hope you do too!
  2. What did October say to August?… Wake me up when September ends! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  3. I was a maze designer. It didn’t work out… I got lost in my own work. (Labor Day Jokes)
  4. If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone’s favorite season?… Fall. (Tree Jokes)
  5. What is the cutest season?… Awwtumn.
  6. Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?… To make up for his miserable experience at summer camp. (Summer Camp Jokes)
  7. I don’t get why we have to know when the fall of Berlin was… obviously Berlin has fall every year September to December. (World Geography Jokes)
  8. I’m going to go out on a limb and say I be-leaf in you… Have a great fall! (Tree Jokes)
  9. What did one leaf say to another?… I’m falling for you. (Valentine’s Day Jokes & Tree Jokes)
  10. What basketball player would be a great spokesperson for autumn?… Tacko Fall. (Taco Jokes & Basketball Jokes)
  11. Why do trees hate going back to school in the fall?… Because they’re easily stumped! (180 School Jokes)
  12. What did autumn say to summer?… Make like a tree and leave! (Summer Jokes)
  13. Never date a girl named Autumn… because she’ll leave you. (Valentine’s Day Jokes & Tree Jokes)
  14. What month does Spider-Man hate?… Ock-tober! (Spiderman Jokes & October Jokes)
  15. How are people during a heat wave like clothes?… They are sweaters. (Heat Wave Jokes)
  16. FALL: We really needed the extra hour to come up with more daylight savings time jokes… (Daylight Savings Jokes)
  17. Why did the scarecrow win a medal?… He was outstanding in his field. (Top 10 Sports Jokes & Farming Jokes)
  18. Did you hear about the tree who deserted the forest at the end of fall… He was absent without leaves! (Memorial Day Jokes & Veterans’ Day Jokes)
  19. Fence Company SignOur favorite fall sport is fencing. (Fencing Jokes)
  20. We got our seasonal bulk in at work today and got pumpkin spice motor oil… It’s for Autumnmobiles. (Pumpkin Jokes)
  21. What’s the problem eating too much pumpkin pie this time of year?… You’ll get autumn’y ache. (Pumpkin Jokes)
  22. I really hate having to wait till September to drive my new car… Shouldn’t have bought an autumnobile. (Fall Jokes & Car Jokes)