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Google Search “Karate Jokes”

  1. What do you call a pig that does karate?… Porkchop! (Pig Jokes)
  2. What do you call a goat that knows martial arts?… Karate kid. (Goat Jokes)
  3. Have you heard about the karate champion who joined the marines?… The first time he saluted, he nearly killed himself! (Veterans Day Jokes & Marine Jokes)
  4. Why is Santa so good at karate?… Because he has a black belt! (Karate Jokes & Christmas Jokes)
  5. Why did the black belt get arrested?… He held up a pair of pants.
  6. What award does the best Chinese hockey team win at the end of the season?… The Bruce-Lee Cup. (Hockey Jokes & Stanley Cup Jokes)
  7. What does the zero say to the the eight?… Nice belt! (101 Pi Day Jokes)
  8. Where do Karate athletes go to get a new uniform?… New Jersey (Top Geography JokesTop 500 Jokes for U.S. States)
  9. Why was the skeleton always left out in karate?… Because he had no body to go with. (Top Halloween Jokes)
  10. What does Bruce Lee drink when he’s thirsty?… WattahhH!!!
  11. Do you know what happened to Bruce Lee after he fought Chuck Norris?… He became Bruised Lee.
  12. What did the mummy karate coach say at the end of practice?… “Let’s wrap this up!” (Top Halloween Jokes)
  13. When is a karate athlete like a judge?… When he sits on the bench.
  14. What would you get if you crossed a karate and the Invisible Man?… Karate like no one has ever seen.
  15. Why was Cinderella such a bad at Karate?… Her coach was a pumpkin.
  16. Why is a Karate match the coolest place to be?… Because it’s full of fans.
  17. Did you hear about the judo athlete who wore two jackets when she painted the house?… The instructions on the can said: “Put on two coats.”
  18. Karate Pick-Up Line: Do you know karate?… because, your body is really kickin!
  19. Have you heard about the karate champion who joined the army?… The first time he saluted, he nearly killed himself! (Veterans Day Jokes & Army Jokes)
  20. Have you heard about the karate champion who joined the Navy?… The first time he saluted, he nearly killed himself! (Veterans Day Jokes & Navy Jokes)
  21. Have you heard about the karate champion who joined the Coast Guard?… The first time he saluted, he nearly killed himself! (Veterans Day Jokes & Karate Jokes)