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Top Joke Pages:
- Top 10 Sports Jokes
- 180 School Jokes
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- Sports Jokes for Kids
- Top 50 Archery Jokes (Archery Jokes)
- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best archery jokes.
- Archery… It has its drawbacks.
- I’m quite bad at archery… But I aim to improve.
- Did you hear about the time Orion lost an archery match?… He was given a constellation prize. (Astronomy Jokes)
- I was almost expelled from archery school… but my Dad pulled some strings! (Jokes for Teachers)
- Where is an archers favorite NFL stadium?… Arrowhead Stadium. Home of the Kansas City Chiefs. (Archery Jokes)
- Who is an archers favorite NFL team?… The Kansas City Chiefs. They play at Arrowhead Stadium.
- (Archery Jokes)
- Not many people know Noah was amazing at archery… You should have seen his arc!
- What do you call Legolas, Robin Hood, and Katniss Everdeen when they’re leaving?… Dep-archers. (Archery Jokes & Robin Hood Jokes)
- Time flies like an arrow… Fruit flies like a banana. (Banana Jokes)
- Have you ever tried blindfolded archery?… You don’t know what you are missing.
- My partner asked how I got invited to the Archery Champions Ball… I told her I had to pull a few strings. (Dance Jokes)
- Members of the archery club sometime meet at the cheese shop… Just to shoot the Bries. (Cheese Jokes)
- I’m not a fan of archery… It has too many drawbacks.
- What does a skeleton use for archery… A bone and marrow. (Skeleton Jokes)
- How do you improve your archery?… With better arrow dynamics. (Physics Jokes for Teachers)
- Three men line up to show off their skills at archery: They are to shoot off the apple off of a young boy’s head. The first one draws his arrow back, shoots, hits the apple clean off of the boy’s head, and says, “I am Robin Hood!”. The second one draws his arrow back, shoots, hits the apple of the boy’s head, and says, “I am William Tell!”. The third one draws his arrow back, shoots, hits the poor boy in the skull, who then proceeds to drop dead. The archer looks at what he has done, takes off his hat, and whispers, “I am sorry.” (Robin Hood Jokes)
- What did the Orc say after being shot by an Elf?… Well that was an arrowing experience! (Archery Jokes & Elf Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?… Ribbon Hood. (Christmas Jokes & Robin Hood Jokes)
- Coach always used to say “Aim for the skies.” He doesn’t say that anymore… after I blinded myself at archery practice.
- What would you get if you crossed an archer and the Invisible Man?… Archery like no one has ever seen.
- What happened to the Pilgrim who was shot at by a Native American?… He had an arrow escape! (Pilgrim Jokes & Thanksgiving Jokes)
- One of the earliest dates I went on with my wife was a blindfolded archery lesson. It wasn’t our first date… but was the one that stuck in my head. (Marriage Jokes)
- I was gonna give archery a shot… But there’s too many drawbacks.
- What did Broken Bow Lake say to the shore?… Nothing, it waved. (15 Best Lakes in Oklahoma & Oklahoma Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe believe I hit the bullseye? (Canoe Jokes)
- Why didn’t the green pepper practice archery?… Because it didn’t habanero. (Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
- What did the archer get when he hit a bull’s eye?… a very angry bull. (Animal Jokes for Kids)
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you teach me archery? (Canoe Jokes)
- What kind of bow can’t be tied?… a crossbow.
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you hit the bullseye? (Canoe Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you teach me to shoot a bow and arrow? (Canoe Jokes)
- What’s Cupid’s favorite superhero TV show?… Arrow. (Super Hero Jokes & Archery Jokes)
- Why doesn’t the philosopher like to do archery?… Because he Kant hit the Marx.
- Archery: When asked what they are aiming for, A newbie will say precision, A pro will say grouping, And dads will say “the target.” (Dad Jokes)
- The Elves in The Lord of Rings look down upon anyone who is different from them. It’s pretty messed up… they’re so arrow minded. (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- What do real archers say to compound archers?… “I see you still have your training wheels on your bow.”
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about archery?
- What did the couple say after they were struck by Cupid’s arrow?… Ouch! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What did the Orc say after being shot by an Elf?… Well that was an arrowing experience! (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- Why are communists good at archery?… They are real Marx-men.
- Why was the skeleton always left out of the archery competition… Because he had no body to go with. (Halloween Jokes for Kids)
- I was almost expelled from archery college… but my Dad pulled some strings! (Archery Jokes)
- Why was Cinderella so bad at archery?… Her coach was a pumpkin. (Halloween Jokes for Kids & Cinderella Jokes)
- Where do archers go to get a new uniform?… New Jersey. (Geography Jokes for Kids & New Jersey Jokes)
- Did you hear the one about the phoney Cupid?… He was totally bow-gus! (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Woo… Woo, who?… What are you cheering for in the archery in the Summer Olympics in Paris? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good archery knock-knock joke?
- What did the archer make out of his bow?… A bow tie.
- What did the mummy archery coach say at the end of practice?… “Let’s wrap this up!” (Halloween Jokes for Kids)
- Why can’t you play archery in the jungle?… Because there are too many cheetahs.
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good archery knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- What did the young maiden say to the handsome archer?… “You make me quiver.” (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- To the people making fun of archery… …you can’t try it until you nock it.
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe let me borrow your bow? (Canoe Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe let me borrow your arrow? (Canoe Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe believe how hard archery is?
- Why couldn’t the chili practice archery?… He didn’t Habanero.
- Why couldn’t the bell pepper practice archery?… Because he didn’t habenero!
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe believe how hard it is to shoot an arrow?
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe believe how good he is at archery?
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe believe how good she is at archery?