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In college institutions, assignments, tests and quizzes play an important role in the progression of academics and provide numerous benefits for both the learner and the instructor. Assignments are no longer a pain for the student as various websites provide assistance for them. If you are looking for such coursework assignment assistance this site can help with that. Just like scoring high on assignments, passing provided quizzes give a student the certainty that they have understood the content being taught and also helps them point out the areas they need to brush on.

Let us begin by looking at how quizzes help the the instructor with his or her teaching process.

They reduce the amount of work to be done

Initially, tests lasted an hour or so at a set time of day and the instructor usually had to stay up late to grade them before writing a detailed feedback for each and every individual student. This process was tiresome and time consuming. Quizzes provide for a faster and more convenient method of student assessment.

Quizzes give lecturers the chance to give unique Tests

Testing and quizzing can be made unique by teachers randomizing question and answer order. This is useful when a learner has to re-do a test which he or she previously had poor performance.  This helps so that the test is not completed by memory, but rather by actually re-thinking through the correct solution again. This is also useful to produce more variety by using a large variety of questions from which testing can be done, rather than recycling the same questions over and over as done in ordinary tests.

Quizzes provide for instant grading and feedback

Marking tests and giving feedback is the most time-consuming task for an instructor. It’s where the instructor has the chance to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of a student. This is where learning actually takes place. Hence, the feedback needs to be accurate, detailed and reliable. In ordinary tests and exams, lecturers just mark whether the answer given by the student is right or wrong without giving additional information why unlike during a quiz where a learner has the chance to question why an answer is correct or wrong and a tutor can explain instantly therefore correcting the faults in the thought process of the student.

In-depth analysis is easier with quizzes

Normal tests have to be gathered and graded, and feedback has to be written for the individual learner to take back and improve on particular areas. Quizzes that use Learning Management Systems give the instructor even more analysis. Using a reporting system, an LMS gives the instructor an overview of the test scores, progress, and growth with graphical representation to make the analysis even easier to grasp especially when the class is very large. This way, a lecturer has the ability to analyze which students scored high or low, and which questions were hard or easy for the majority of students. This information allows the instructor to see trends and act upon them to improve the curriculum.

 Quizzes are environmentally friendly

Drifting away from hard-copy tests to offering the same capabilities with oral or online quizes reduces the consumption of goods such as paper. This is especially important when the classroom is large and still growing

We have seen how quizzing provides an advantage to tutors, now, let’s see how these tests and quizzes improve the experience of the student.

They give a self-assessment tool

As mentioned, testing and quizzing usually provides the user with results instantly. This is good for students because it allows them to know the things that they did wrong immediately, what they need to focus on, and how to improve their weaknesses should they have to retake the test.

They keep learners engaged

Unlike ordinary tests, quizzes have always been a motivator to study harder when students know that their progress will be judged upon through a performance review. Quizes also set a deadline for when material needs to be learned by and diligent students know they must adhere to that deadline.

In conclusion

Using different forms of testing, such as multiple choice tests, fill-in-the-blanks, true or false, or essay questions can also be used to assess the progress of students with different learning styles. Catering to the needs of different learning styles is an important aspect of learning which gives it the edge over traditional learning models and evaluation methods. It is always a good idea to use different types of material, and varying types of tests and quizzes to engage everyone in a class.

An important note on quizzing and testing is that a learner has the ability to research the web for answers and creating tests should be done with that in mind. If something is too hard or a little off topic in terms of the material taught, it is likely to be researched online. If the questions are too easy, they will be dismissed and passed over without much being learned. Thus quizzes should be structured in a way that encourages learners to think back to the material taught within the course rather than looking for answers elsewhere.